Thursday, September 2, 2010

New Blog Entry. YAY.

This is a new blog entry. Yay. But luckily I’m not writing on any of my projects instead I’m writing on my holiday plans. So predictable right? I mean all schools probably writes about “My Holiday” and stuff… So here goes… (sigh) I’m going to (dramatic pause) Bali. My dad's passport still has some problems so I'm stuck here in Indonesia. 
But who wouldn't want to live here? Thousands of islands and coastlines... Mmmm....

Here I come beach! (trying to be positive here)... nevermind ditching the cretin. Hey at least I'm going somewhere right? So, my family is planning to leave on the 12th of Sep till the 17th of Sep... We would have stayed longer since our holiday ends on the 20th of Sep but my brother, who just can't stand it if we don't celebrate his birthday here, which is on the 18th. (I know its ridiculous)...

Anyway, I'm really excited to be going to Bali and all but I sometimes wish I could go somewhere I've never been too. But I always have to remind myself to always think positive and to push out all negative thoughts (a lesson i would like to remind myself to do at all times).

TROPICAL BEACH HERE I COME! *sigh* here goes nothing.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Introduction (just read it)

PROJECTS PROJECTS PROJECTS. That's all I ever think of these days.
Anyway, this blog is supposed to be all about projects but who would want to WRITE about your project when you're busy DOING it? I know its ridiculous, but apparently people want to read this stuff so I'm going to write what people want to read. 
So.... welcome to my nightmare.

My group mates Amanda and Michelle are HECTIC to get our science project done and you know why? Yep you guessed it! It's science day TOMORROW. Our theme is "Polar Ice Caps" so its like styrofoam-blue-boards-kind-of-project. 

Science day is also on the same day as the school's open house so all the students are expected to smile, greet people and be on their "best behavior" but LUCKILY friday is a holiday because its the teachers development day. Bad for the teachers good for the students. haha... but I'm going to have rain check on basketball CCA on friday. :( 

For our art project its about the appreciation and understanding of a visual artist and also designing our name but have I NO IDEA how to upload it since our portfolio is A3 and the scanner is A4 so how will you scan it?! HELP.
okay you get the point...

Thank god bazaar day is in october or we'll all be DEAD (literally) by now.But thanks to the thoughtfulness of the school and fasting people we get to do it late. I mean, for crying out loud, who can handle science, IT and math day all in the same week?! Its enough to keep you awake at night. 

The english project is quite okay since we just have to write a good essay but still! "My Life" ??? Not so much to write about... "My Hobbies"?? Who wants to know? "My Family"?? Not so interesting... 

Anywayyyy, this is (from now on) all going to be about PROJECTS so please, give me a break when its not so interesting to read everyday... ENJOY :D