Visual Artist - Vincent Van Gogh


His Influences:

Vincent van Gogh lived more than 115 years ago, and yet his artwork is still altering the way mankind views beauty, persona, individuality,and style in art. His thousands of paintings and drawings have various characteristics that have been copied by thousands and duplicated by none.

Van Gogh's unique life has inspired millions to become active in art. In fact, what many people today consider to be the archetypical "artist persona" is largely a result of his influence. Perhaps the most impressive aspect is that artists continue to mimic the style that Van Gogh created over one hundred years ago. 

My Opinion:

I chose Vincent Van Gogh as my visual artist because he was the very first artist to introduce expressionism. Expressionism means expressing and putting his feelings onto his paintings. It sort of brings out the feeling and passion that is in him. 
For example, his Sunflower painting is so well-known because whoever sees it will feel what he felt while he was painting it.

Below are some examples of his paintings.

(my favourite painting) :D